Additional Lists

Ten Favorite Comfort Novels

List >>

Ten Favorite Booker Prize Finalists

List >>

The Ten Best Albums I Discovered in 2022

List >>

Ten Favorite Ambitious Lovers Songs

List >>

Ten Favorite George Michael Songs

List >>

Ten Favorite Characters from The Wire

List >>

Ten Favorite Star Trek Characters

List >>

Ten Favorite 69 Love Songs

List >>

Ten Obsessive Novels by Women

List >>

Ten Favorite Game of Thrones Characters

List >>

Ten Novels of Philosophical Musing

List >>

Ten Favorite Tim Pope Music Videos

List >>

Fifty Favorite Sax Solos in 80s Pop Songs

List >>

Ten Favorite Richard Kind Movies

List >>

Ten Favorite Tom Cruise Movies

List >>

Ten Artists With the Most Albums in My Library

List >>

Ten Favorite Film Performances by Kids

List >>

Ten Favorite Film Performances by (Older) Kids

List >>

A Short Canon of Grouchy Books

List >>

Twenty Favorite Singers

List >>

Ten Favorite Suicide Aphorisms

List >>

Ten Favorite (Interior) Portal Novels

List >>

Ten Favorite (Exterior) Portal Novels

List >>

A Dozen Performers Who Went a Long Way

List >>

Ten Alternate Most Anticipated Books of 2023

List >>

A Dozen Favorite War Novels

List >>

Ten Albums I Discovered Before I Turned Ten

List >>

Five Favorite Chloe Aridjis Books

List >>

Ten Favorite Jesuses in Film and TV

List >>

Ten Favorite Satans in Film and TV

List >>

Ten Favorite Movie Soundtracks

List >>

Ten Favorite Stand-Up Comics

List >>

Ten Favorite Politically-Minded Musicians

List >>

Ten Favorite Joan Fuster Aphorisms

List >>

Ten Favorite World War II Novels

List >>

Five Favorite George Saunders Books

List >>

Ten Books I Grew to Like, Eventually

List >>

Ten Movies I Grew to Like, Eventually

List >>

Ten Albums I Grew to Like, Eventually

List >>

Five Favorite Cure Albums

List >>

Five Favorite Martin Dupont Albums

List >>

Top Ten Movies Featuring the Goonies

List >>

Ten (and 2/2) Favorite Japanese Albums

List >>

Ten (and 4/5) Favorite Norwegian Albums

List >>

Ten (and 1/2) Favorite New Zealand Albums

List >>

Ten (and 1/2) Favorite French Albums

List >>

Ten (and 1/2) Favorite German Albums

List >>

Ten (and 1/2) Favorite Italian Albums

List >>

A Dozen Favorite TV Theme Songs

List >>

Five Favorite Taken-era Liam Neeson Movies

List >>

Twenty Favorite Sophomore Albums

List >>

One Hundred Favorite Albums of the 1980s

List >>

A Dozen Favorite Synth Pop Duos

List >>

The Ten Best Albums I’ve Discovered in 2023

List >>

Ten All-Time Greatest American Bands

List >>

Top Five Spike Lee Movies

List >>

Twelve Movies with the Northern Exposure Cast

List >>

Ten Favorite Ambient Albums

List >>

Ten Favorite Novels About Real Writers

List >>

Ten Favorite American New Wave Albums

List >>

A Dozen Favorite First Sentences

List >>

A Half-Dozen Books Addressed to Corporations

List >>

Favorite Albums for Three Aural Environments

List >>

Top Twenty One-Hit Wonders

List >>

Top Five Rebecca Makkai Books

List >>

Favorites of the 2010s

List >>

Top Ten Movies Featuring the S1 Cast of ER

List >>

Ten Novels About Fathers and Daughters

List >>

Ten Favorite Books About Sentient Toys

List >>

Top Ten Movies Featuring the Kids in the Hall

List >>

Ten Favorite British New Wave Albums

List >>

Ten Favorite No Wave Albums

List >>

Ten (and 1/2) Favorite Scottish Albums

List >>

Ten Favorite Chris Cooper Movies

List >>

One Hundred Favorite Albums of the 1990s

List >>

Favorite Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees

List >>

Five Favorite Aztec Camera Albums

List >>

A List of All the Love Notes in The Illumination

List >>

Twenty Favorite Works of Biblical Fiction

List >>

Top Five Alison Moyet Live Albums

List >>

Ten Great Books With No Sense of Humour

List >>

Ten Favorite Novels About Historical Figures

List >>

Ten Favorite Australian New Wave Albums

List >>

Ten Favorite Martin Donovan Movies

List >>