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Six Bridges Book Festival

This is the Six Bridges Book Festival’s twentieth-anniversary year, and will also mark my twentieth appearance on its roster. It’ll be a solo event for me this time, moderated by the gifted Little Rock writer Jen Fawkes. I’ll be reading a new short story, “The Library of Nathan Liu,” and then chatting with Jen, taking questions, and signing books. The reading will be at the Ron Robinson Theater on the main campus of the Central Arkansas Library System from 6:30 to 7:30 on October 1.

Afterward, to inaugurate this year’s Banned Books Week, NPR critic Maureen Corrigan will be appearing in the same space to talk about “Banned Books; Burned Books: Forbidden Literary Works,” which—not entirely by coincidence—is also one of the subjects of my story.

You can read more about my event (and click through to investigate the Festival’s complete schedule) here.

July 25

In Conversation with Sara Flannery Murphy

October 9

Arkansas Tech University Reading